Thursday, April 14, 2005
There will be a hockey game soon...
Burlap rag doll
Multi-color block printing
There's something about a brayer...

Our third grade students just love the physical work of inking their foam
blocks. They listen for the "crispy" sound that tells them that they have just
enough ink on their brayers. Printmaking is the art of second chances and
these students make multiple prints to find out how much ink is right for the
look they are trying for.
Printmaking Center
Foam Block Print
Foam Block Print
Dog Triplets
Third grade block printing
Dinosaur block print

This was printed four times; the following week it was overprinted multiple
times. Grade three student.
TAB artists and friends

Enjoying art, food and good conversation at the Boox&Dex&Box salon reception
at the Sheraton Boston Hotel during the March National Art Education
Association Conference.
left to right: George Szekely, Kathy Douglas, Pauline Joseph, Clyde Gaw, John
Crowe, Diane Jaquith, Clark Fralick. We are wearing our wonderful George Szekely portrait
Books and Decks at the Sheraton reception

This exhibit, sponsored by the Teaching for Artistic Behavior Partnership,
contained work by George Szekely, John Crowe, Kathy Douglas, Pauline Joseph and
student work. A few of the works are shown above.